Future of Superannuation

To remain relevant and grow into the future, superannuation funds need new ways to efficiently manage member relationships and create value.
With more than 30 years’ experience and servicing more than two million superannuation members, we partner with many of Australia’s superannuation funds and employers to deliver scale, cost efficiencies and award-winning member experiences. We’re here to help you create brighter futures for your members.
  • Super tax reform leading to fairer outcomes

    By: Dr David Knox BA PhD FIAA, Senior Partner, Senior Actuary

    The taxation of superannuation in Australia is complex, inequitable and subject to regular changes. These features reduce the long-term confidence of Australians in their superannuation system. Learn more about how we can and should do better. 

  • Rethinking super tax concessions

    By: Dr David Knox BA PhD FIAA, Senior Partner, Senior Actuary

    Superannuation tax concessions have been the subject of considerable public debate. In Mercer’s latest paper, Senior Partner Dr David Knox (AM) argues that we need to reframe the conversation, suggesting that the current approach doesn’t account for the longer term. 

  • Shaping Super 2024

    In this inaugural Shaping Super report, we examine the state of play for the Australian superannuation system and the superannuation funds in the system. We assess the current market position using supporting data and consider the forces shaping system and fund level maturity going forward.